I really want you to know a VERY important thing if you'd like to accomplish NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment).

If you follow NMT as directed, you will go through a phase of inflammation, such as RSS (Red Skin Syndrome) or Exudate (ooze), and then enter a drying phase.

Remember this.
Skin needs to dry completely before healing.

In the drying stage, the appearance looks very bad...I can say, it looks miserable.  It depends but might look uglier than RSS.  And even worse, you feel intense itch in the stage.  So at this phase, many suffeers misunderstand that they got aggravated.  Everybody is surprised to see the condition usually but it is just a process of healing.  You need to understand it. 

I see a lot of posts asking if they got aggravated to others showing very dried skin with scabs in TSW support groups . 
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Since dried skin looks really bad, a lot of non professionals advise, "You may get infections!" or "You need to apply moisturizers!" or "You should add ---*** Sea Salt in the bath!" or "You can peel off the crusts in the bath tab!" or "Apply *** oil immediately!", etc...
(Attention:  Don't ask non professionals to diagnose about infections.  It is definitely doctors' portion.  And if you get it, you need to be prescribed medication to take immediately to not prolong your symptoms.)

Every time I see such pictures and advice, I really feel like explaining, "No!  It's not aggravation!  If you keep air-drying it, healing happens!  After that, you'll be healed!  Don't apply anything or don't add anything in the bath tab.  You are going to start over the healing process if you get such advice....."  However, as long as they don't take NMT, I can't do it because it is their preferred methods.
Again, skin needs to dry completely before healing.  So you should be patient to leave the affected parts as is at the dried stage.

Completely dried skin (after ooze and RSS phase) looks really bad and is extremely itchySufferers tend to quit NMT at this stage.  You will repeat 'scratch and dry' over and over again in this stage but skin is getting stronger little by little.  

If you don't have infections or other sickness, try to keep air-drying on NMT.  Your skin is repaired underneath during this drying process.
Once it is accelerated at this final stage, healing can be so fast.

To see successful results, please read and learn articles (This blog, Tokuko's Room To Feel Uplifted, NMT Education Group (Facebook) and The NMT Healed Club (Facebook).

Try to follow NMT protocol as much as you could and as strictly as possible

As you are not under expert's supervision, please learn it seriously.  Your knowledge will be the biggest support for you.  So many TSW suffereres have achieved it already without NMT doctors but they learned NMT SO seriously.  Don't miss a thing! 💖

(**You need to see a trustful doctor sometimes because there are sickness that only doctors can find.)

Hang in there!
Healing happens to you too!

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