As for supplements, Dr. Kenji Sato doesn't recommend them thinking about impure substances in them.
The checking process of products is way too easier than medicines.

I sometimes receive questions from parents if it is ok to give them supplements for children because they don't eat various food.

I always answer, 'Dr. Sato doesn't recommend Supplements and TCM (Tradditional Chinese Medicine) due to the reason above.  That is all I can do because I'm just an imformation provider.

However, although this is my opinion, if it is impossible to take nutrition from food for some reason, it may be fine to take something instead of eating.  As for that part, parents should make a decision Especially for children/babies, losing weight is dangerous sometimes so choice is yours with doctors' support, of course.  (However, please don't forget that you are doing 'NO MOISTURIZING' Treatment.  Your body needs to moisturize the skin by itself.)

Please understand that the answer is always 'To have a Balanced Meal' on NMT.  Please try to devise a cooking method, atmosphere, that children can eat various things. (I know it is difficult but parents can make it with deep love.😉💖

Good luck and hang in there. 
Healing happens to you too!

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